Talks & Events
If you would like Emily to appear at your event please get in touch via the Contact page.
*more dates to be announced soon*
In the meantime please enjoy the following lockdown substitutes:
World Monuments Fund Lecture: Newstead's Dysfunctional Dynasty, Dec 2020
BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week, 11–20 May 2020
Talk Radio Europe interview with Giles Brown, June 2020
Hidden Histories podcast: Lord Byron & his Origins, 22 May 2020
Chiddingstone Castle Virtual Literary Festival, with Robert Sackville-West, 9 May 2020
ABC Radio interview with Jonathan Green, 14 May 2020
#MUP Armchair Event: Life, Lust & Livestock in Georgian England,
with Tom Almeroth-Williams & Lucy Inglis, 28 April 2020
Hist Fest: Lockdown, April 2020
BBC History Extra podcast: The Scandalous Byrons, April 2020
#HouseOfByron virtual book launch youtube channel
Image courtesy of Jodie McWhinnie,
Appledore Book Festival 2020